
We are open for collaborations with great, curious, hard-working individuals in various ways.

Note: We can not offer unpaid, volunteer work. Also, paid GRA positions will typically be filled by folks who have already worked with us for a while. The best way to get started working with us is through special research problems (CS8903) at MS level, or the equivalent at undergraduate level.

PhD positions

We are interested in recruiting one (or two) new PhD students to start in the academic year 2024-25.

MS projects

Interested students should reach out to Thomas with a proposal for their project such that we can discuss whether there is a good intellectual match.

MS special topics (CS8903)

Three credit hours special topics are the best way to start engagement with the CBA lab. Interested students should reach out well in advance of the semester they want to start working on the project and discuss potential topics with Thomas. If there is an overlap in research interests, then the student will start exploring the particular topic with some initial literature exploration / initial experiments – with the goal to understand the chosen (general) research field. The student will then write (with our help) a proposal for their special topic, which will then be the basis for their work.

Note: This exploration typically takes a few weeks, so interested students need to reach out early. It is typically not sufficient to reach out in the first week of a semester to seek approval for a special topic for that same semester (i.e., within one week.)

Special topics are typically worked on for 3 credit hours.

Undergraduate Research Opportunities

Similar to the aforementioned procedure for MS special topics, interested undergraduate students should reach out well in advance of the semester they want to start working on a project in our lab.

We are also open to capstone or CreateX projects.